
Makedonka Dimitrova

General Secretary
MACEF - Macedonian Center for Energy Efficiency

Bilateral Meetings

  • (1:30p.m. - 3:30p.m.)
DescriptionThe Macedonian Center for Energy Efficiency (MACEF) mission is to increase the Energy Efficiency and Envi­ronmental Protection by capacity buil­ding, identifying and implementing EE measures in the coope­ration with the industry, governmental insti­tutions, local self-government units, engineers, donor organization and ecologists at both national and regional level. We provide consultancy, technical and project management support services. We have metering units for thermal vision, lighting, fluid flow and etc. We hold license for energy audits.
Organization Type Other,
City Skopje , Nikola Parapunov 3/52a

Industrial Energy Audits

There is potential for energy saving if you have the right persons discover it. Let's share thoughts!